- Call for papers 2025-Innovation and Sustainable Development of International Chinese Education 国际中文教育:创新与可持续发展
- The 2025 Annual International Conference of the British Chinese Language Teaching Society, 3-5 July 2025, Lancaster University (Innovation and Sustainable Development of International Chinese Education 国际中文教育:创新与可持续发展)
The 2023 BCLTS Conference Proceedings - Applied Chinese Language Studies XIII
Call for papers-Critical Perspectives on International Chinese Education: Synergising Language, Culture, and Technology in the Era of Digital Intelligence 数智时代的国际中文教育:探究语言、文化与科技的协同发展, The 21st International Conference on Teaching and Learning Chinese in Higher Education, The 2024 Annual International Conference of the British Chinese Language Teaching Society
The 2023 Annual International Conference of the British Chinese Language Teaching Society, The 6thConference on Chinese Teaching in Scotland, 29 June – 1 July 2023, University of Edinburgh
- The 2022 International Conferences Selected Papers from the British Chinese Language Teaching Society---Applied Chinese Language Studies XII
- Call for papers-Teaching Chinese as a Foreign Language in the New Normal
Cross-Disciplinary Theory and Practice-新常态视角下国际中文教育的跨学科理论与实践
The 20th International Conference on Teaching and Learning Chinese in Higher Education-The 2023 Annual International Conference of the British Chinese Language Teaching Society
The 2021 International Conferences Selected Papers from the British Chinese Language Teaching Society---Applied Chinese Language Studies XI
- 2022 Annual Conference (24th-25th June, Creativity in Chinese Language Teaching and Learning Research and Practice in Challenging Times)
2022 BCLTS Seminar Series 2 "CFL Teaching Materials and Creativity" (2022-04-29)
Teaching Chinese as an International Language and Creativity Seminar (2022-02-26)
- BCLTS Chinese New Year Celebration (2022-02-04, 网上新年联欢活动成功举办)
The 2018 and 2019 International Conferences Selected Papers from the British Chinese Language Teaching Society---Applied Chinese Language Studies X
- News reports of the 18th International Conference on Teaching and Learning Chinese in Higher Education(1. 欧洲时报 2. 孔子学院 3. 华文教育 4. 世界汉语教学协会)
- BCLTS Open TCFL Materials and Members' Publication Form (Available on 2021-01-31)
- 2021 Annual Conference (5th-7th July, Teaching Chinese as an International Language in the Time of COVID: Opportunities, Innovations and Development)
- 2021 Easter Teacher Training (8th-9th April, Developing Online Teaching Skills)
- 2021 Online Salon 1: Music, Motivation and Cross-cultural Communication in TCFL
- BCLTS 2020 Member Survey Results (2021-01-23, BCLTS Committee will organise events in response to our Member Survey Results)
- BCLTS New Year Celebration (2021-01-02, 以相聚云端为主题的网上新年联欢活动成功举办)
- First BCLTS Newsletter Issued (2020-11-18)
- AGM 2020: The GD3 Model Constitution was approved for BCLTS charity registration and new committee members were elected. (2020-09-11)
- BCLTS donates £1000 to the NHS Covid-19 Urgent Appeal (2020-08-19)
- BCLTS charity registration and frist constitution (2020-07-20)
- BCLTS charity registration and frist constitution - Chair's video message (2020-07-20)
《人生初年》电子发刊词 (2020-06-05)
英国汉语教学研究会成功举办第二期网络论坛 ——线上测试与质量评估(2020-04-22)(全文)
英国汉语教学研究会沉痛悼念英国汉语教学前辈佟秉正先生(Mr Ping-cheng T’ung)(2020-04-14) Media coverage of past conferece. (2019-07)